
Celebrate Global Entrepreneurship

Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) is an international initiative that introduces Entrepreneurship to people on six continents. GEW emerged in 2008 as a result of Enterprise Week UK and Entrepreneurship Week USA 2007. Since its creation, more than 10 million people from 102 countries have participated in entrepreneurial-related activities during the Week. The GEW aims to expose people to the benefits of Entrepreneurship through different activities and to motivate them to explore their own entrepreneurial ideas.

This annual event occurs over the span of one week in November and includes the participation of entrepreneurial experts, policy-makers, education practitioners and politicians. Last year 88 countries hosted Global Entrepreneurship Week and generated over 32,000 activities.

We love the mission statement of littleBits to “Turn everyone into an inventor”. With our beginners class “Introduction to Raspberry Pi” we plan to do just that, to teach others to become electronics inventors. Did you know that a Raspberry Pi Meetup is referred to as a Raspberry JAM? That’s funny and cool therefore, “Geeks are Cool” how isn’t that a 180 degree reversal from the 1980’s?

Stay tuned for our Maker Space open house and Meetup coming later and consider joining our Maker Community here at SoBeCoWorks. Experience the new economy tools for your self and see how easy it is to work with them. Email [email protected] and include in the subject: Maker Space Event.

Here at SoBeCoWorks we believe that together we can builder a stronger, healthier and more adaptive community.

For more information about other scheduled events check out our Meetup.com webpage at: www.meetup.com/sobecoworks

Solopreneurs, Solostartups, Freelancers, Student Entrepreneurs, Career Seekers on November 19, 2014 6PM-10PM SoBeCoWorks is sponsoring a Upstart Cafe event called “You are the Entrepreneur Generation”. Come have some Cake, Spanish Coffee, Pizza, Salad, and Refreshments wonhile enjoying stimulating conversation with participants of the Lehigh Valley StartUp Weekend including members of the 1st & 3rd Place Teams, CodeMyClass & Ruff Tech.

One of our motivators is Pascal Finette. Pascal works with large & small organizations on building entrepreneurial ecosystems. He speaks and writes about the magic which happens at the intersection of entrepreneurship, technology & global impact. “I love to work with entrepreneurs who are making things better: Be it as a consultant, board member or mentor.” Last summer we had the pleasure of hearing Pascal via live webcast to our members here at SoBeCoworks.

1349 Lynn Ave.
Bethlehem , PA , 18015

(The Collaborative Work Space)
Twitter: @SoBeCoWorks

SoBeCoWorks Hours
Our Normal Operating Hours:
Monday 9a – 6p
Tuesday 9a – 6p
Wednesday 9a – 6p
Thursday 9a – 6p
Friday 9a – 6p
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