Lehigh Valley Cashflow Club
Here’s another tip for starting your business. DO NOT take this as legal advice. At some point contact a lawyer specializing in Trademarks. Do a cursory search Simply head over to USPTO.gov and simply type in your company name and see what comes up. What we’re talking about here is the name or trademark that…
Set specific goals Many people don’t really understand goals. ‘I will be more productive today’ is not a goal but ‘I will make five sales today’ or ‘I will spend more time with my kids’ are goals. Start making both short-term and long-term goals which are clear and concise. Write down your goals and take…
Do not fear the spreadsheet The spreadsheet is still a very useful tool Clearly, we have come to the point where your accounting and bookkeeping are automated with tools such as Quickbooks (for Windows and Mac) and GNUCash (for Linux/BSD) as well as others. And for as useful as they are, they are also limited….
You will probably assume that you own everything related to your company from photos to marketing material to your website. But, you may be wrong. How can I not own my stuff? Basically, if you or an employee did not create it, you may not own it. Clearly, if you create your own logo, you…
This is the first in a series of articles in which we will discuss tools that we like to use and feel may benefit you as well. We will discuss what we like about it and what we don’t and why we chose to use it. Today we discus our CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software….
As CoWorking Host of the most innovative CoWorking Space in the Lehigh Valley I strive for many far reaching ideals and one of my most important is community education, “teach me what you know and I’ll teach you what I know.” Those of us that subscribe to a philosophy of abundance want to share what…