New Economy Tools allow for rapid prototyping which is a group of techniques used to quickly fabricate a scale model of a physical part or assembly using three-dimensional computer aided design (3D CAD) data. Construction of the part or assembly is usually done using 3D printing or “additive layer manufacturing” technology. The first methods for rapid prototyping became available in the late 1980s and was limited to cash rich corporations but today, most anyone can afford to learn the techniques necessary for today’s rapid prototyping techniques and it’s no longer limited to cash rich corporations or expensive institutions of learning.
Thanks to the New Economy Tools these geek toys can teach anyone some serious product development techniques and makes learning fun again.
We love the mission statement of littleBits to “Turn everyone into an inventor”. With our beginners class “Introduction to Raspberry Pi” we plan to do just that, to teach others to become electronics inventors. Did you know that a Raspberry Pi Meetup is referred to as a Raspberry JAM? That’s funny and cool therefore, “Geeks are Cool” how isn’t that a 180 degree reversal from the 1980’s?
Stay tuned for our Maker Space open house and Meetup coming later and consider joining our Maker Community here at SoBeCoWorks. Experience the new economy tools for your self and see how easy it is to work with them. Email [email protected] and include in the subject: Maker Space Event.
Here at SoBeCoWorks we believe that together we can builder a stronger, healthier and more adaptive community.
For more information about other scheduled events check out our webpage at:
Twitter: @SoBeCoWorks
Monday 9a – 6p
Tuesday 9a – 6p
Wednesday 9a – 6p
Thursday 9a – 6p
Friday 9a – 6p